May 21, 2009

Holy Cow, Part II

After 2 2/3 games in St. Louis, I can safely say that the Cubs are in a nasty funk. Right now, they couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat in the middle of the ocean. It's almost sad to watch, actually. What is even worse is that it's against the FLIPPIN' CARDINALS! Almost anyone else I would understand... But the Cards?!?!? Geesh.

Oh, well... Enjoy it now while you can, Cards fans. I get a sneaky suspicion that it won't lat. Of course, if the Cubs don't re-learn how to hit and quickly, it may be an even longer summer on the North Side. That would be especially discouraging since the Cubs have the best talent... on paper. It's too bad they don't play the games on paper, though...

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